Choose the Perfect Pet for Your Lifestyle
Becoming a pet owner isn't a choice that should be made impulsively. A furry, four-legged friend can certainly bring great joy into a household. There are many options so consider your lifestyle to determine which is the best pet for you.
Before Choosing Your Pet
Pets are needy creatures. Even the most low-maintenance versions require a certain level of care and attention. Below are a few questions to consider before committing to a new pet:
- Do you have children in the house or are you on your own?
- Are you willing to make your home pet-friendly?
- Are you prepared to clean up after your pet? Think changing litter boxes, curb waste, washing pet beds, etc.
- Do you have a backyard or access to green spaces?
- How much time will you be able to spend with your pet?
- Are you financially able to care for a pet? Consider vet bills, food supply and wellness care products, which can all be expensive.
- How is your health? Do you have allergies or any type of physical or mental impairments?
The Dog Vs. Cat Debate
The possibilities are endless when it comes to choosing a pet, but you've got it narrowed down to the two most common:
- Dogs: According to the ASPCA, nearly 80 million dogs live in households around America. Every breed has a different personality trait; some are kid-friendly while others prefer a solitary lifestyle. Some are high energy while others are a bit more docile. However, all dogs require exercise, outside time, hygiene care and TLC. If you have a busier schedule, you can hire a dog walker. Check out for ways to bond with your new furry friend.
- Cats: Cats are much like dogs when it comes to breeds and personalities. Some cats like to be cuddled, while others are more self-sufficient. As a cat owner, you will be responsible for changing the litter box, buying toys to fill a cat's need to scratch and cleaning up their balls of fur.
While you might have a preference, you need to take into account your lifestyle, needs, and expectations before making the final decision between getting a dog or a cat.
If you love spending time outdoors, staying active, and want a partner to go on adventures with, a dog is the way to go. Dogs need physical and mental stimulation, regular walks, and socialization. Canines tend to be pack animals, so being left alone all day isn't ideal. If you work long hours or have obligations that will keep you out of the home, these are certainly factors to consider in order to ensure your pooch gets the attention and care he needs.
If your indoor space is on the small side, and you lead a busy lifestyle, an independent cat might be the best route. Cats generally enjoy being left in solitude, and can entertain themselves. While felines don't need to be let out to use the bathroom or taken on walks, many are as content outdoors as in. However, cats do need exercise and stimulation, whether it is chasing a toy around the room or climbing on a cat tree.
When It's Time to Get Your Pet
Shelters and adoption agencies are the first places to find your new companion. After you have determined which pet to get, the next step is to Prepare your home. Remove all hazards and purchase supplies including houses, toys, bowls, grooming tools and food. Once you've prepared you home, it's time to prepare your heart for the love you are about to experience.
Whether you choose a dog or a cat, becoming a pet owner is a rewarding experience. There will be plenty of smiles and laughs, and maybe even an exasperated sigh or two along the way, but the journey into pet ownership is an adventure worth taking.
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