Super Pups: Behind the Mask
With Halloween quickly approaching, everyone is bound to see at least one absolutely adorable pup or cat in an even more adorable costume somewhere. While those costumes are all fun and games, some dogs put on "costumes" with much more noble reasons. Who are these super pups? Do you know a super pup? In honor of these hero dogs, this is the first post of two that will take a look at just what real "costumes" dogs wear everyday. Let's take a look behind the mask at some of the most noble dog professions!
Detection Super Pups
With a super sniffer that's tens of thousands of times more sensitive to odors than yours, Detection Super Pups quickly locate just about anything. This comes in handy with finding specific foods (for people with allergies), contraband, money, people, explosives, and more!
Assisting Super Pups
Some of the most well-known super pups are, without a doubt, seeing eye and hearing dogs. Yet, did you know that furry companions can also be trained to pick up objects that are difficult for the owner to reach? Assisting dogs pawsome powers are truly up to the owner's imagination!
Herding Super Pups
The super pups that help put food on the table! Herding dogs do just that: they herd livestock! Their specific abilities enable them to be far more effective than just people. Also, no one wants to lose one of their animals, and certain dogs are trained as guardians to protect the herd from any sneaky predators.
Hunting Super Pups
Ok, maybe the herding super pups aren't the only ones that help put food on the table. Enter the hunting super stars! Correction, super pups. But let's be honest, these pups are the stars of the wilderness. We spoke already about a dog's sense of smell helping them to detect, but this is complemented by ears that have twice as many muscles as human ears. This means they can not only hear nearly twice the frequencies that we can, but also that they can locate prey far better!
Search & Rescue Super Pups
Now, we've proven that dogs are absolutely phenomenal at locating objects, animals, and just about anything you want them to. This includes coming to the rescue, literally! Search and rescue dogs save lives by specializing in water, avalanche, evidence-locating, urban disaster, wilderness, and more!
Security Super Pups
Security super pups do just that: make their owner feel and be more secure. While the details of how this is accomplished can change, a good security pup will let you know when someone is around that shouldn't be. They can be trained to respond to this presence by simply alerting you or, if needed, taking more physical steps to let the intruder know not to mess with you.
Sled Super Pups
Mush! No we're not talking about the yummy texture of naturally wet food that dogs love, but about sled dogs! Actually, you may be surprised that the "mushers" behind the dogs don't actually yell mush... but that's beside the point. Although sled dogs may be used primarily for recreational reasons today, the sport was founded on heroic dogs, traversing some of the most fierce winter conditions to make deliveries and transports at the most critical times.
Therapy Super Pups
We all know dogs are cute. It's undeniable! What you may have not known is that some dogs have taken that cute, loving demeanor and turned it into a profession! Therapy dogs provide both psychological and physiological support to people in hospitals, jails, hospices, nursing homes, hospices, and more! Their mission is to spread love and cheer everywhere they go!
War Super Pups
Dogs that have even inspired movies, war super pups are on a different level than the others. Why? Everyone knows that people who protect the way of life of normal citizens sacrifice beyond what most can imagine, and are truly heroes. The super pups that help protect these heroes are obviously on a different level than most super pups! They've got way more things to worry about than your average Fido, and even the way they travel is different than most. Just a few of the life-saving roles these dogs have performed include scouting for danger, finding and leading help to wounded soldiers, and surveying with a camera attached.
Forever Friend Super Pups
You don't need us to tell you, but your own dog is an amazing super pup in its own right! Pups just being pups have undoubtedly brightened and saved lives just by being the joyful fur-balls that they are. Wave that furry flag! We know that these rambunctious rascals hold an incredibly special place in your life. We also know that with all that they give you, that you want to give them the very best back!
Treat your super pup at Wag N' Wash
Though pups are so special we don't know if we could ever really pay them back, we can at least try our best! One great way to give back to these courageous companions is by treating them at Wag N' Wash! Whether it's delicious baked goods, a classy grooming session, natural treats and foods, or the most fun toy there is, there is something to show gratitude to any dog at Wag N' Wash! If you have your own Super Pup story, we'd love to hear about it! Email it to us hear at, and mention this article in the subject line! Did you catch the first half of this blog series? Click to learn more about the Detection, Assisting, Herding, Hunting, and Search & Rescue super pups in part one!
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